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Lawn Primary School home page

Transform Trust

Lawn Primary School is part of Transform Trust, a multi academy trust based in the East Midlands. To find out more about the Trust please visit


Registered Office:

Transform Trust

Unit 11, Castlebridge Office Village

Kirtley Drive



Tel: 0115 982 5090



Transform Trust is a company limited by guarantee

Company Number 08320065


Transform Trust Accountability and key documents


Please click on the links below to access the following:


Transform Trust Values:

KINDNESS Showing empathy through being mindful of our thoughts, words and actions ensuring that everyone feels safe and loved.

EQUALITY Valuing each individual as everyone has a voice and everyone is heard.

RESPECT Accepting, celebrating and honouring our similarities and differences.

CREATIVITY Daring to be different and being brave.

Transform Trust Virtual Festive Celebration