Personal Development Offer
At Lawn Primary School we are very proud of our extensive personal development programme which allows our children to blossom and develop as Global Citizens. We look for opportunities to provide additionality and listen to the voice of our pupils, parents and staff.
We aim to ensure that, over their time at Lawn Primary, learners receive a Personal Development programme that gives them the knowledge that they need to make decisions, to be resilient and to develop their character and personality. We provide these rich experiences in a coherently planned way – through our curriculum, enrichment and extra-curricular activities.
Children at Lawn know and understand their role in society; they have a sound sense of self and contribute positively to their community. They are tolerant and understand that everyone’s voice should be heard and everyone’s views should be acknowledged and respected. They leave primary school armed with the school core values of respect, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, initiative and empathy. They are aware of their responsibility as a citizen of the modern world and have secure and developed moral foundations on which to further build. Pupils regularly demonstrate their contribution now and in the future towards society, community and others.
Pupils leadership skills and voice and developed across all aspects of school life, enabling them to understand that they can make a change and have a positive impact on others. As a result pupils have high aspirations of themselves and others and the confidence to speak out and challenge in a positive, respectful manner.
Our curriculum offer extends far beyond the academic to allow all pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life. This is encapsulated in our Personal Development Programme.
Children leave Lawn with the confidence to try new things and make mistakes, seeing the opportunity that lies within adversity. Our bespoke curriculum, based on Global Citizenship, has been designed to get the best out of each and every learner. Children are resilient, hardworking and driven. They have been taught how to converse respectfully; how to value the responses offered by peers by celebrating ideas that are not their own, and how to politely disagree, offering their own thoughts and ideas. They stretch their own thinking by asking questions of both their peers and themselves.
Personal Development Programme 2023-24
Useful resources to support social development