Physical Education
Intent Statement
Here at Lawn, we believe that our PE curriculum should be one that is ambitious for all. We think that it is important that the children develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, values and attitudes that learners need in order to become lifelong lovers of being active and better citizens in the world. Our curriculum promotes self - challenge and assesses on learning behaviours, rather than sporting ability. This will prepare them for being successful global citizens with a deep understanding of personal, social, cognitive and creative skills. This is developed through a progression of skills documents so that the children are continually building on these skills as they move through the school.
In addition to this, children are encouraged to be ambitious in their learning, embrace success and failure, praise for positive behaviours, celebrate and review progress, coach and support others and show control in their choices through our learning nutrition progression tool. This tool is key in creating abundant opportunities for children to internalise these learning behaviours and make them habitual.
Our six core values are fully embedded within the PE curriculum at Lawn. Within the learning behaviours, children are expected to work together collaboratively, demonstrating teamwork. They are encouraged to give critical feedback which focuses on their ability to have respect and empathy towards one another. They are expected to show initiative and creativity within their movement and skills development, enabling them to become free and confident thinkers. Within PE, children have a responsibility to keep themselves and those around them safe and demonstrate integrity in the outcomes they produce to showcase their learning.
Our intent is to engage our children and ensure that they all have a lifelong love for being active. We encourage self-challenge and develop children’s learning behaviours and fundamental movement skills in order to develop the children holistically and prepare them to be well rounded citizens.
For more information on the 'Real P.E' curriculum that we follow, and the personal, social, cognitive, and creative skills that form the basis of what we do, please follow the link below:
Curriculum Documents
Enrichment Opportunities
Each of our classes get the opportunity to attend an event ran by the Derby School Sport Partnership at some point during the academic year. Some examples of the events that we attend are cross country, fundamental movement and athletics. We were also fortunate enough to have Olympic Athlete Sam Oldham attend school to talk to the children about resilience and never giving up on your dreams. Some children even managed to wear his medal. It was extremely heavy.
We have also taken part in some events that have been ran by Transform Trust. Our Y6 pupils went over to Nottingham to take part in a Fun Run and our KS2 girl's will be attending a girl's football tournament.
Some of our Y5/6 children take part in a Summer netball league where they compete against other schools in Derby.
We also provide top up swimming for some of our non-swimmers.
Each year, we also have a school sport's week where we hold a sport's day but we also try to use this week to get the children to try some new sports. Here are some of our KS1 pupils having a go at Boccia and a few photos from our Sport's Days over the years.
What Our Children Say...
"I like the new skills that we learn."
"Gymnastics is really fun."
"I didn't realise how many different ways that you could jump and make shapes."
"I like the jungle activities."
"My teacher always makes it really exciting."
"I love going on the apparatus."
"There is always a new challenge to learn."
"My teacher always encourages me to do my best."
Links to websites: Real PE at Home. Go Noodle. PE with Joe. Taste Education. Start4Life.