Mental Health And Wellbeing
Mental health and wellbeing plays a vital role in education and impacts on our students’ learning. Here at Lawn Primary School we are committed to advancing and safeguarding students’ emotional wellbeing and good health.
Senior Mental Health Leads
Mrs Cousins - PSHE Lead and RSE Champion
Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Curriculum
Mental Health and Wellbeing is at the very core of our curriculum at Lawn. It is weaved into every part of the school, along with our culture and ethos. We promote living a healthy lifestyle and it's benefits through our topics such as; We are all Unique and Freedom and Equality. Not only is it visible in our topics but also our PSHE lessons, our Wellbeing Wednesday initiative, extra curricular clubs, our playground buddy scheme, the healthy eating policy and our Learning Nutrients (Positivity and Praise, Celebrating and Reviewing, Coaching and Supporting, Clear Outcomes, Ambition and Challenge)
Our PSHE curriculum ensures that, through a rolling programme, children are taught topics such as Beginning and Belonging, Family and Friends and My Emotions. Through these topics children can unpick threads of themes like respect, resilience and kindness which are woven into our curriculum and ethos. Indeed, just look at our children and you will see these themes in action. It's the lifeblood of our school, our family.
We ensure that by the time our children end their journey at Lawn they are ready for the challenge and next chapter that secondary school brings. Skills taught and learnt here will stay with them and enable Lawn children to support themselves moving forward. We all know that being able to look after our own mental health is a vital component of life now. The world has been through unprecedented change in the last few years and we acknowledge that we want to provide our children with those life skills required to support themselves or seek help from others should they need it.
(Mrs Cousins: PSHE Lead/RSE Champion)
Wellbeing Wednesdays at Lawn
Wellbeing Wednesday is a whole-school initiative which began a couple of years ago at Lawn Primary School. Each week, the whole school takes part in a short session designed to promote discussion about mental health and wellbeing.
Our decision to include Wellbeing Wednesdays and many other stand alone mental wellbeing initiatives such as; Hello Yellow, Anti Bullying week, playground buddies, worry boxes, body image workshops for UKS2 and actively seeking out Pupil Voice shows our commitment to push the agenda of mental health of our children.
Wellbeing Wednesdays are an important and vital moment in the midst of a busy week to talk, reflect and discuss. Topics are covered through the 5 social and emotional competencies. These are self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision making, social awareness and relationship skills.
You can find more information and resources on local and national help available to you below. Please feel free to contact Mrs O'Hare should you require signposting to support that may not be mentioned below.
Local Help
Your GP They will be able to provide help and advice. Your GP can also provide access to appropriate specialist services and local organisations.
Call 111 You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.