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We believe that computational knowledge and skills are fundamental in ensuring that our children are prepared for the ever-growing technological world in which we live. It is absolutely essential that our children are taught to develop computational thinking, applications and creativity to understand and solve real-world problems.

They are encouraged to consider impacts of ICT on individuals, communities and society, including the social, economic and ethical implications of access to and use of ICT (for example, impacts on globalisation, poverty, inequality, democracy, diversity and conflict).

Through using real-life data our children will be able to use real-world data on global issues for data logging, data handling, data modelling and control.

Thus, our curriculum intent for the subject computing embraces our six core values. Our children have a responsibility, through use of the Purple Mash scheme, to push and challenge themselves. Our curriculum promotes real-life context allowing children to have a respect for where they will need their computing skills as they grow into an ever-growing technological world. Moreover, through using real-life data, they will empathise with people across the world who are affected socially and economically. Our children are encouraged to self-challenge and use their initiative and resilience to solve problems and are expected to demonstrate integrity in the outcomes that they produce in order to explain and showcase their learning. They will embrace the importance of teamwork to collectively solve problems.

Our intent is to engage our children with these big ideas through use of the Purple Mash scheme, which applies the knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum. Also, our intent is to encompass computing within other STEM subjects through global citizenship projects.


For further information about the Purple Mash platform, please access their website and introductory video at:


Staying Safe Online

Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Lawn Primary School. 

Follow the link below to visit our Online Safety page where you will find information on each year group's Online Safety objectives covered within their computing lessons, in addition to further support on how children can stay safe online.