Personal, Social, Health Education
' PSHE is important because it helps to keep us safe' Sofia, Y4
'I love learning about different ways to make everyone feel included' Alfie, Y5
' PSHE gives me life skills to become a respectful and helpful member of society' Chloe, Y6
'PSHE helps me feel ready for secondary school' Imogen, Y6
At Lawn Primary School, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) teaches and enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to develop their understanding and appreciation of moral, social and cultural issues which are vital elements of the ever-changing society they are a part of. We provide our children with rich opportunities to learn about and immerse themselves in issues of diversity, equality and identity.
We feel it is crucial that children are exposed to PSHE in both discrete and cross-curricular learning. Our aim in doing this is to promote critical thinking skills through discussion of key global issues such as: climate change, war and human rights. Providing a safe space for the children enables them to feel confident in discussing and challenging current, relevant social issues.
Our curriculum intent for PSHE is based upon our six core values within school. On leaving Lawn, all children will be able to empathise with others to allow them to have both, appreciation and respect for those from different socio-economic backgrounds, cultures and religions. They will feel a moral and social responsibility towards others and our planet allowing them to become valuable stakeholders within the global community. Children will develop the confidence to use their own initiative to help solve the societal and global issues and maintain integrity in doing so. By working together, all children will appreciate the importance of teamwork and the benefits this possesses.
Our aim is to nurture and develop well-rounded individuals who feel confident in tackling the big ideas and global issues they may face in their lives. We will do this by delivering a high-quality PSHE scheme in line with National Curriculum objectives as well as demonstrating Quality First Teaching in a cross-curricular approach.
We use the Cambridgeshire scheme of work which has been tailored for our setting, with some outcomes, particularly those pertaining to diversity and communities, being covered through our cross-curricular topics under the 'We Are All Unique' theme.
For further information about this scheme of work, please access the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service website following the link below:
Curriculum Documents
Useful links:
PSHE Gallery