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Attachment Aware School

An attachment aware school is one where the whole staff:


  • Have a good understanding of the impact of significant relational traumas and losses upon pupils
  • Have attachment principles firmly embedded within all their policies
  • Use an attachment framework to understand behaviours
  • Know who the troubled pupils are in their school
  • Prioritise employing and supporting key adults to build special relationships with troubled pupils
  • Allocate a Safe Base team (4/5) to the pupil – Key Adult, Class Teacher, SENCO, Deputy Head, Assistant Head/Head teacher who ensure consistency of approach
  • Engage in quality staff care to optimise care giving capacities and ensure stability and retention of staff
  • Research the starting point of pupils in their care, tracing back over their lives from pregnancy onwards to reflect upon the possible impact of relational traumas and losses experienced
  • Know the developmental age of the pupils in their care differentiating emotional and social tasks and expectations
  • Develop individual development plans for individual pupils where needed
  • Engage in relentless care
  • Direct any conflicts or difficulties with the pupil through the Safe Base team allocated rather than getting too involved themselves
  • Facilitate relational proximity rather than distance at times of difficulty with the pupil
  • Integrate and channel any advices from outside agencies into the IDP via the Key adult and/or Safe Base team
  • Engage in a careful balance of both nurture and gentle challenge to support troubled pupils into learned security
  • Work closely with the family to develop a shared understanding of the pupil reflecting on possible stressors and calmers.




We are lucky that Lawn Primary School has fully trained and accredited Attachment Leads.

Mrs Jo O'Hare, Learning Mentor and Mrs Sally Levesley FS2 teacher, who are fully trained and accredited by Brighton University.