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Lawn Primary School home page


At Lawn Primary School we expect parents and carers to ensure that children attend school regularly and arrive on time. We also ask that parents/carers contact the school without delay to inform us of reasons for lateness or absence. Use the school answer phone by calling 01332550178 day or night.


When teachers report to parents at the end of the academic year, they will give a percentage figure to represent the child’s attendance for that year. Concerns will be raised if the child’s attendance has fallen below 90%. We will recommend the Education Welfare Officer becomes involved with your child’s attendance records. They will contact you about this.


There is a school policy for attendance, which is available for parents to read on request either on the policy section of this website or by popping into the school office. 


If your child has time off school look at the table below to show the impact on their learning. 




Best possible chance of success

Your child is taking full advantage of his/her learning



Has lost at least 2 weeks of learning

Satisfactory. Perhaps your child may have to spend time to keep up with their work.



Has lost at least 4 weeks  of learning

Your child could be in danger of underachieving and may need your  help and support to keep up with their work.



Has lost at least 5½ weeks of learning

Your child’s poor attendance has a significant impact on their learning.


Under 80%

Has lost at least 7½ weeks of learning

Your child is losing a wide and varied education. You are in danger of  being prosecuted.


Below is a link to our School Policy page. 


If you child is unwell and not able to attend school can you please ensure you contact the school office by 9.30am each morning they are absent.  When they return to school can you also please ensure that you send in a written note to your child’s class teacher explaining the reason for absence.  If we have not received notification from you by 9.30am a phone home will be made asking you to confirm the absence reason.  No medical certificates are required.  The legislation requires that absence unexplained by a note have to be counted as an unauthorised absence.



If your child is late for school i.e. after the school gates have closed, then parents should accompany them into the school reception area and sign them in using the school electronic sign in system.  Your child will then be accompanied to class by a member of staff.

There will be an L (late before registers close) put into the registers if your child is late after the gates close but before 9:15 am. A U (late after registers close) will be put into the register if your child arrives after this time. 


Appointments and Collections

We encourage all parents to make appointments outside of school hours.  Should you child need to attend an appointment during the school day we ask that you send a letter to your child’s class teacher stating the time of collection and reason for leaving.  You will need to collect your child from the school reception area as you will need to sign them out using the electronic system.  On return to school, your child will need to be signed back into school.



We do not authorise any form of school holidays under the guidelines set by the Government.  If you wish to remove your child from school for a day or a period of time you need to complete a Leave of Absence form which is then submitted to the Headteacher.  All leave will be unauthorised except in exceptional circumstances.

Should you take your child out of school for a holiday you will be issued with a fine of £60.00 per child per adult per number of weeks absent.

Absence Request Form