We consider that scientific knowledge and skills are essential in providing children with a deep understanding of the world and how to be better global citizens.
Through a global citizenship approach, learners make connections between the local and the global and share their learning with others as they consider vital questions about global challenges such as:
How can science help to provide nutritious food for all and ensure a plentiful supply of clean water?
What contribution can science make towards tackling the causes and effects of disease?
How can science help to address the challenges of climate change?
There are many benefits to learning science in this way:
• It increases interest and enjoyment in science lessons.
• It deepens understanding of scientific concepts by applying them to real-life contexts.
• It develops skills in aspects of working scientifically, such as data analysis and evaluation.
• It provides opportunities to consider the contributions to science from other cultures and to use scientific knowledge when making decisions about the applications of science.
Within Science, we want our children to be curious and to question what happen arounds them through an enquiry- based curriculum. Our children pose questions that they then explore and investigate in order to analyse.
Therefore, our curriculum intent Science embraces our six core values.
Our children have a responsibility to push and challenge global issues and challenges around the world in which we live. Our curriculum promotes real-life context allowing children to have a respect for where they live and the importance that Science plays in that. Moreover, through an enhanced knowledge of social, economic, environmental and political factors around the world, children empathise with people who are affected socially and economically. Our children are encouraged to self-challenge and use their initiative and resilience to solve problems and are expected to demonstrate integrity in the outcomes that they produce in order to explain and showcase their learning. They will embrace the importance of teamwork to evaluate their products and support each other to improve.
Our intent is to engage our children with these big ideas through use of the National Curriculum as well as the PLAN Primary Science scheme of learning. Our intent is also to encompass Science within other STEM subjects in order to develop children’s knowledge and skills more holistically.
For more information on the PLAN Primary Science scheme of learning, please follow the link below:
Curriculum Documentation