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Our School Day

Start of the day:

Key Stage 1 school gates are opened at 8:40am to allow our youngest pupils (FS2) to enter and move safely and confidently to their setting. This is a total of 33 hours and 45 minutes a week.


Year 1 - 6 pupils may enter independently between 8:45am and 8:55am. 

Year 1-3 enter through the KS1 gate.

Year 4-6 enter through the KS2 gate (opens at 8:45am)

Members of the leadership team and the learning mentor are situated on the gates. 


NB If parents need to access the Office, please make yourself known to a member of staff at the KS1 gate. 



All pupils have a 15 minute break time mid morning.



Lunchtime is between 12-1pm for FS2 - Year 4 pupils

Lunchtime is between 12:15pm and 1:15pm for Year 5 and 6 pupils. 


KS1 playtime:

Pupils in FS2/KS1 have an additional playtime mid afternoon. 


End of the day arrangements:

The KS1 gate opens at 3:25pm to welcome parents on to the school premises. Parents wait at the relevant area for FS2- Year 4 pupils.

Year 5 & 6 pupils will either meet their younger siblings on site or will be escorted out of the KS2 gate. There they are met by their adult or are released with prior agreement of the parent/carer. 

End of the school day is 3:30pm