We believe that historical knowledge and skills are crucial in providing children with the tools to be able to question and investigate the past and how it has influenced and affected their lives today. As global citizens, children will explore differences and similarities between events, people, places, cultures and environments through time, and the interconnectedness and interdependence of our world’s history. They will consider questions of power and privilege, and critically think about reasons why history is interpreted in different ways. This will enable them to consider the significance of individual and collective action and questions of civic and social responsibility. Our curriculum will allow children to explore themes such as inequality, prejudice, conflict and oppression, relating historical examples to contemporary events and experiences.
Our curriculum intent for history encompasses our six core values allowing children to become historians by reflecting on historical knowledge to understand other contexts. Building resilience in the search for evidence to make historical claims. Reading and analysing evidence from a range of sources. Using historical vocabulary to engage in quality dialogue. Respecting and celebrating the history of all cultures. Knowing & remembering significant facts from history and being curious and asking questions about the past
Our intent is to engage our children with these historical periods and how these have affected the society we live in today through challenging cross-curricular topics which also incorporate the knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum.