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Lawn Primary School home page


At Lawn Primary School we are committed to supporting all of our children to do well. We will do everything we can to ensure our children are safeguarded and protected from harm. It is central to all we do.


Are you worried about a child?

If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.

You may be worried about what might happen to you or your family if you report your concerns. When someone makes a call to talk about their concerns, they will always be asked for their name and contact details - so they can be contacted again if needed. However, you can ask for your details to remain confidential, or provide information anonymously.


Getting help

Please email at any time, including holidays and weekends, and it will be answered as soon as possible. The Safeguarding Leader will always monitor their email account and respond to emails over the holiday period from parents as well as professionals regarding safeguarding issues. 

You can email safeguarding concerns to 

All DSLs can be contacted at school on 01332 550178. 


Designated Safeguarding Lead: 

Karen Hambleton Headteacher - 


Advanced Safeguarding Leads:

Karen Hambleton Headteacher - 

Jo O'Hare Learning Mentor -


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Dan Hancock Deputy Headteacher -

Jo O'Hare Learning Mentor -


Treehouse Designated Safeguarding Leads

Karen Hambleton Headteacher - 

James Gregory


Designated Safeguarding Governor – Louise Rhodes -

Alternatively you could contact Mrs Jo O'Hare, our Learning Mentor to talk through any issues that are not directly related to safeguarding. She can be contacted at school or via email on 


Other staff with DSL training: 

Gareth Molineux Assistant Headteacher - 

Andy Walters Assistant Headteacher -

Luke Wilkins Digital lead -

Sally Levesley FS2 leader-


The Police in Derby and Derbyshire

If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999, immediately.

Alternatively, if you want advice from the Police and the child is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101


Children's Social Care in Derby

Children's Social Care have a duty team to help you talk about concerns you have and take action to make children safe. The social care staff can always be asked for advice if you are not sure about a situation.

During normal working days between 9 am and 5 pm they can be contacted on the telephone number 01332 641172


At all other times, concerns can be discussed with Careline who can be contacted on the telephone number 01332 786968


Please do not keep your worries to yourself

Policies Page

Follow the link below to our school policies. 

Useful Links

Staying Safe Online

Follow the link below to visit our Online Safety Page, where you will find information and advice on how children can stay safe online, how to report incidents and how to set up Parental Controls.