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We believe that musical knowledge and skills are crucial in providing children with the tools to express identity, belonging and feelings in their personal lives. During their time at Lawn we will encourage children to consider how music is used to protest at social injustice and to promote visions of possible change. Our music curriculum will enable our children to develop an appreciation of diversity and global interconnectedness, through exploring the fusion and cross fertilisation of various music traditions and the common elements in different music traditions.

Our curriculum intent for music encompasses our six Lawn values. By the time our children are ready to leave Lawn, they should be able to empathise with people across the world who are affect by social injustice and with the music of different traditions and nations, having a greater understanding of where this music comes from. They will have the confidence and creativity and use their initiative to compose their own music using the knowledge and skills they have been taught though the curriculum. They will embrace teamwork and all that this can offer in relation to listening to and creating music, the togetherness that music can provide. Our children should feel a responsibility and learn to respect the power and global diversity of music and how it can be used to unite everyone from all backgrounds. Our children will show integrity in the music they compose, in the way they appraise music they hear and the other outcomes they produce.

Our intent is to engage our children with these global issues through the use of the Charanga Music scheme, in addition to Sing Up and other available resources. The topics covered will be challenging and will incorporate the knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum.


For more information on the Charanga scheme of work, please follow the link below.  

What our pupils say:

We have great opportunities for learning new instruments!

Digital Opportunities in Music


Music Development Plan