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Gaming, of course, is phenomenally popular with children and young people. In 2021, almost 70% of primary school aged children played online games. If enjoyed in moderation and supported by a healthy routine (staying hydrated, good sleep habits, taking breaks and so on), gaming can actually benefit a person’s mental health. As long as we stay alert for potential risks, games can be much more than what we see on the surface: they can be a way to socialise, an avenue for creativity and a route to solving problems.

Privacy Settings

When children are accessing games via Xbox LIVE, privacy settings can be set up.

Please follow the link below to find out how.

General Information About Gaming

Popular Games


The 'what you need to know' about popular games your child may be playing:

Want to find out further information about a game?

Follow the link below to Taming Gaming - a website containing information and videos about the most popular games and platforms.