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Lawn Primary School home page


The staff, children and governors welcome you most warmly to our school. Our aim is to provide a outstanding learning environment combined with a nurturing ethos in which each individual blossoms to ‘be the best they can be’ Developing our pupils to become positive citizens of the future, valuing and respecting the world and its community underpins all we do. We place great emphasis upon the development of a broad range of learning skills so that during their time with us our children are able to acquire a love of learning that will last them for a lifetime.


Personal development is a high priority at Lawn, with a rich and varied curriculum to support your child and allow them to blossom and grow. Our Global Citizenship Curriculum, specifically designed for our pupils, nurtures each pupil into a positive member of society, understanding how they can contribute and influence society in a positive way. Our school values, Trust values and British values underpin all we do as a result the pupils at Lawn love to learn, are respectful and tolerant and become resilient problem solvers. 


We have a very talented and committed teaching and support staff team who offer the children many different ways to excel and achieve. We have an extensive range of enrichment activities that provide an extra dimension to the opportunities for learning. We are continually developing our whole school environment to ensure that it inspires, encourages problem solving independence and an enquiring mind and a love of learning.


As an outward thinking school, we value 'your voice' and proactively seek to work with all stakeholders and wider professionals to ensure Lawn continues to strive to provide the very best educational experience for all.....'Dream, Believe, Achieve' 


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.


Karen Hambleton
